What is a control plane in Kubernetes? Basics on Kubernetes.

What is a control plane? Basics on Kubernetes.

In this article on series basics on Kubernetes, we are going to talk about what exactly do people mean when they use the term control plane. If you have not read the older article of this series you can read them below. What is a control plane? The Control plane comprises the components that work

What is kubelet and what it does: Basics on Kubernetes.

What is kubelet and what it does: Basics on Kubernetes.

In our previous articles in series basics on Kubernetes we have talked about etcd and Kube proxy and what are their exact functions in Kubernetes. If you have not read them you can find these articles below. In this article we are going to talk about a very important component kubelet and what are its

How exactly kube-proxy works: Basics on Kubernetes.

How exactly kube-proxy works: Basics on Kubernetes.

In recent times Kubernetes is becoming a de facto tool to be used and it adds a lot of value to your profile if you have a good understanding of it. Unfortunately, the way clouds have abstracted everything from users, there are not many people aware of how this actually works behind the scene and

What are Zip() and Unzip() in Python and how to use the.

What are Zip() and Unzip() in Python and how to use the.

Zip() is a built-in (built-in function are the function which are already define in programming framework) function. So basically zip() function takes any number of iterable and returns a list of tuples, the first element of a tuple is created using the first element from each of the iterables, and so on. Syntax- zip(*iterators) Practical

Difference between columnar and row-based databases.

Difference between columnar and row-based databases.

There are many types of databases present and there is a lot of confusion(for beginners) to use which one in which cases. To add to the confusion there are columnar databases. In this article, we will look at what is the difference between row-based and columnar databases and where we can use columnar databases. Difference

Logrotate: How and Why you should use it properly.

Logrotate: How and why you should use it properly.

In my on-call duty for the last few years. One thing that comes, again and again, is log cleanup. This happens because of the wrong logrotate or no use of this at all. When we talk about disk cleanup, this is kind of toil to me. To understand what is toil you can look at