Kubernetes in Production: Should you run your own worker nodes?

Running Kubernetes in Production: Part 1

There are tons of articles available on the internet on the basics of how to run something, but there is a huge gap when you run something just to test it out and run it in production. A lot of tools will break when they start working at scale. In this series, we are going

Basics on Kubernetes: Basic debugging

Basics on Kubernetes: Basic debugging with kubectl

In our previous article series on Basics on Kubernetes which is still going, we talked about different components like control plane, pods, etcd, kube-proxy, deployments, etc. You can read the article series on Learnsteps. In this article, we are going to see how we can do basic debugging in Kubernetes. Before starting I am assuming

What is kubelet and what it does: Basics on Kubernetes.

What is kubelet and what it does: Basics on Kubernetes.

In our previous articles in series basics on Kubernetes we have talked about etcd and Kube proxy and what are their exact functions in Kubernetes. If you have not read them you can find these articles below. In this article we are going to talk about a very important component kubelet and what are its

Tools in DevOps for every purpose

Tools in DevOps for every purpose

In this article, we are going to see tools for a different section of DevOps. Tools when combined together form a solid base on which the SRE and DevOps rely on and most of the tools are opensource. Let’s start with tools in DevOps for every purpose. Lets first list down the different components that