Basics on Kubernetes: What exactly is a statefulset?

Basics on Kubernetes: What exactly is a statefulset?

In the previous article of the series, Basics on Kubernetes we talked about deployments in Kubernetes. You can read about it at the below link. In this article, we are going to talk about statefulsets, their similarity, and differences with deployments. What exactly is a Statefulset? Statefulsets are like deployments, they also manage pods that

Basics on Kubernetes: What is deployment?Basics on Kubernetes: What is deployment?

Basics on Kubernetes: What exactly is a ReplicaSet

In our previous article in series, basics on Kubernetes, we talked about what exactly are deployments, you can find the link of the article below. In this article, we are going to talk about what is ReplicaSet and how they help in scaling your application. What are ReplicaSet and its objective? ReplicaSet is an object

Basics on Kubernetes: What is deployment?Basics on Kubernetes: What is deployment?

Basics on Kubernetes: What exactly is a deployment?

In this article on basics of Kubernetes, we will talk about what is deployment and its uses. If you have missed the previous article you can find them on this series on basics on Kubernetes. What is deployment in Kubernetes? In Kubernetes, with help of deployment, you can easily control the rollout and updates of

What exactly is a POD? Basics on Kubernetes

What exactly is a POD? Basics on Kubernetes

In our previous article on Kubernetes we talked about how kube proxy works, control plane, node components, kubelet and etcd. In this article, we are going to take a look at what exactly is a pod in Kubernetes. What is a pod? A pod is a group of containers and is the most basic deployable

What exactly does cloud-native mean?

What exactly does cloud-native mean?

This is the era of cloud computing and everyone is using it. Cloud computing has given the power of scalability in your hands On the other hand it has made deployments a bit tougher. Sitting at one end of the scalability spectrum. You can read about the two extremes of scalability here. They provide power

What is a service mesh? Is it born with Kubernetes?

What is a service mesh? Is it born with Kubernetes?

Hi, in our recent few articles we are talking about basic Kubernetes and we talked about how Kube proxy works, what is a control plane, what is an etcd, and what are node components of Kubernetes. If you missed the articles you can find them below. In this article, we are going to look into