Here I am gonna tell you about an open source software which you can use to make your system or a raspberry pi your media center. The name of the software is Kodi. You can find it here Kodi: Open Source Media Center and Home theatre.

What It can do:
It will make your system a media center where you can store all you videos music and movies.
You can directly access Netflix, Youtube, Amazon prime videos from Kodi and don’t need any other software for that.
There are hundreds of plugins present for Kodi which make it really fun to use.
Next you can access the Kodi using web interface, android and IOS.
For this you need to Kore which is Kodi remote for mobile devices. Just go to play store search for Kore and install it.
It will ask your local subnet ip where you have installed. Don’t know the ip. Follow below steps:
For windows:
In cmd type ipconfig and you will see your IP in the format 192.168.*.* Somewhere.
For Mac and Linux:
Open terminal and type ifconfig, Yes ifconfig not ipconfig and you will see the same pattern somewhere.
Here how your mobile remote will look like:
Want to make your TV your media center. Follow below steps:
Buy a Raspberry Pi.
Install Kodi in it
Connect your PI to tv using HDMI.
You media center is ready. It is as simple as that.
Now you need remote Install Kore and follow the steps mentioned previously.
Want to access it from your browser.
Go to Settings -> Service Settings -> Control and turn on the Allow remote control via HTTP option then you will be able to see screen like the one below and you can access your media center from your browser now. Then go to your browser and type ip:port and you can access it.
This is real short description of what Kodi is and how you can use it. Happy exploring.
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