When you are running a web server it is really important to keep the track of ip from which you are getting most number of hits. We will see How to get most frequent ip address in your logs

How to get most frequent ip address in your logs
Such tracking is important when there is a DOS attack and you need to block the ip from where the attack is happening. In such cases having a script which will give the top ip which are hitting your server.
Have a look at the below command.
cat /var/log/nginx/access.log | grep https://* | awk '{print $1}' | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n 15
What this command will do:
This will print the list of ip which are most frequently hitting your server in sorted order. Lets break down the command and see what is happening here.
cat /var/log/nginx/access.log
This command will get the log for you to access and then we piped the output as input to the next command. Next command is
grep https://*
This will get all the lines with https:// substring present. If you want to search for particular url just replace the url in place of https://. Now we pass this to next command which is
awk '{print $1}'
This will take print the ip from the filtered results because ip is present in second place in logs.
Next we pass it to
sort -n
This will sort the lines and get all the ip which are same.
Next we pass it to
uniq -c
This will get the uniques from the file and count the frequencies. After this we sort it again in reverse order by passing it to
sort -nr
After this we have to get the top 15 lets say for this we will use head command as below
head -n 15
Thus we will get the list of ip which are most frequently hitting your server. The output will be something like below
1410 732 596 455 281 169 169 157 143 130 129 115 104 102 96
First param is count and second is the ip from which we are getting the hits.
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The extraction of information provides insights on analyzing the understanding about the aspects of different elements and help in further predictions.
Thanks Gaurav. Its a nice one. But there seems to be a typo. In awk print statement, it will print 1st field but its mentioned as 2nd. Please note, actual log file content is not visible to the reader.
Thanks anant. Noted I will fix this. Really appreciate your comment.