Unable to do ssh into machine.

Unable to do ssh into machine? I have seen this problem many time and i know this is one of the problems that everyone faces. Below are my personal list of things that you can try to solve this problem. Check for key permissions. This happens if you key or pem file does not have

What is a nameserver and how to run one

What is a nameserver and how to run one?

If you are working with websites and networking, you must have heard of the name of ‘NAMESERVERS’. We will try to figure out what exactly are these and how to install one and use it. Lets see what is a nameserver and how to run one What is a nameserver? These are the servers running

What are runlevels in linux systems?

What are runlevels in linux systems?

Recently I came to know about the runlevels in linux while going through  initd. So I thought of writing about it and here it is what are runlevels in linux systems? Run-levels are the mode in which you unix system boots up. These modes can be from single user with no networking to full fledge

How to get number of threads per process?

How to get number of threads per process?

When you are debugging the servers it is sometimes very important to get the count of thread each process is running, Here we will see different ways by which we can see the number of threads. Keep in mind that these commands are for ubuntu and may vary for different systems. Let us start and

Creating Linux alias to enable you work faster.

Creating Linux alias to enable you work faster.

Linux is a very powerful Operating system and it has many flavors. Its always your choice which one to use but making them work faster and according to your need is something you will need. Here we will talk about alias and write a simple alias file to help you be more productive.Lets see how

Monitor your unix system resources using HTOP.

Monitor your unix system resources using HTOP.

When it comes to servers it is really important to keep track of memory, cpu utilization, which processes are taking what amount of CPU, what process are orphan processes etc. All these are required to take necessary step like kill a process if it is taking a lot of CPU or trigger autoscaling when CPU

Decide which linux to use in 1 minute or less

Before starting I must mention the website Distrowatch here you can get information about all the linux distributions. Now starting over it depends on what kind of things you wanna do with your system. If you wanna explore the system like hacking or something : Kali If you want everything installed system and don’t want