Swap memory and how it affects your latencies.

Swap memory and how it affects your latencies.

When you work with Linux and memory you must have heard the term swap memory. In this article, we are going to see how swap memory affects the latencies of your system, and should you keep them or not? What is a swap memory? It is a memory space that is made available separately to

Do you know about honeypot servers?

What are a honeypot server and its uses?

Every one of you must be aware of the term hacking and on the web, domain hackers have to make malicious requests to take down the servers. There are many kinds of attacks that they try to perform and these honeypot servers are ways to analyze their attack patterns. What is a honeypot server? Honeypot

Points to mind while debugging production issues.

Points to mind while debugging production issues.

It’s always hectic to debug production issues and it is always wise to have a predefined step to debug any issues. But there can be scenarios where those steps may not work. In those scenarios also you should always have a flow in mind what to check. In this article, we are going to see

ngrok: Serve your website from local system.

ngrok: Serve website from local system.

It is not an easy task to host a website and then do all the necessary tasks to keep it safe and secure. Now if you building something and for that, you have to give a demo and strict on timelines. Setting up the website and other tasks will consume a lot of time. If

DevOps Interview Questions: Important Python questions.

DevOps Interview Questions: Important Python questions.

In few of the previous articles we started talking about questions that can come in DevOps and SRE interviews. In this article, we are continuing the trend by bringing you the python questions that can come in the interviews. You can look at the last article below. When we talk about python involvement in DevOps,

How to take Redis Cluster and master-slave backup using Redis Shake

Redis Cluster and master-slave backup using Redis Shake

We have talked about Redis in recent articles. In this part, we are going to talk about how we can take Redis cluster and master-slave backup. Let’s start by reading what is cluster and master-slave configurations in Redis. You can read about the difference between them here Now when we talk about backup we have

Tools in DevOps for every purpose

Tools in DevOps for every purpose

In this article, we are going to see tools for a different section of DevOps. Tools when combined together form a solid base on which the SRE and DevOps rely on and most of the tools are opensource. Let’s start with tools in DevOps for every purpose. Lets first list down the different components that