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Results of World War 2: What, why, effects and consequences?

World War Second is one of the deadliest wars fought for almost 6 year from 1939 -1945. The war was fought between United States, United Kingdom, Russia, France, Poland, Italy, the Nazi Germany and Japanese Empire. It was started in September 1939 when Nazi Germany under the leadership of Hilter invaded Poland, which resulted in France and United Kingdom declaring war against the Nazi Germany and ended with the nuclear explosion on August 1945 over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The total casuality is estimated to be around 75 Million which was around 3% of the total population at that time. With more than 60% of citizens losing their lives in this territorial expansion by Japan and Nazi Germany it is the most deadliest series of events in the history of world. These casualities includes 10000 Japanese suiciding in only one day to the mass murder on industrial scale by Hilter in Nazi camps.

The war was cause of the greed of territorial expansion of Japan and Germany and the control over the resources of the world. The world war was not just the destruction it is also the cause of few of many important things as we now them in todays world. Few are listed below:

Few points to note.


In further coming series we will learn about the roles played by different countries and strategies, Britain Airforce, Stalingrad and many more thing.

Subscribe to stay updated for the next Article. In next article we will talk about United States and its role in World War 2.